Sagu Payasam (Khir) Recipe
1. 1 cup of sagu
2. ¾ cup of water
3. ½ liter of milk
4. 8 cashew nuts
5. 2 cardamom pods
6. 2 teaspoons of ghee
7. ½ cup of sugar
8. 2 pinches of saffron
1. In a pan, heat 1 teaspoon of ghee and roast the sagu until it turns a light pink color.
2. Add ¾ cup of water to the roasted sagu and pressure cook it for 15 minutes.
3. Once the sagu is cooked, add milk and sugar to it. Continue boiling for another 15 minutes.
4. Add crushed cardamom pods, saffron, and roasted cashew nuts to the mixture.
5. Serve hot and enjoy your Sagu Payasam (Khir)!